


  • Fear of standing in front of the class and reciting?
  • Failing in tests because of poor recall?
  • Giving up studying Math and Science as memorizing formulae and not being able to remember?
  • Failure in regular exams and fear of competitive exams?
  • Time to move up in life and face a different world. Are you ready?
  • Has your school life prepared you for this? New people, new professors, new environment. How are you going to cope with it?
  • You knew your competition in school. How about now? How much would you score? What is going to be your rank in this year?
  • This is the stepping stone to your corporate/business life. How Prepared are you?

Nurturing school children is akin to nurturing plants. Ideally one can start as early as age 5, as this is the time the brain starts to get adventurous and is at its best in absorbing information, recognizing new things and begins to form opinions.

Our course is aimed at harnessing that brain power and the primary focus of this course is to enhance the buds from a very young age to progress towards becoming shining stars. School children can bring forth their full potential by remembering to do their homework, Reciting poems easily, quoting form famous texts. The list is endless…

The poise and confidence level of bright students are there for everyone to see. A good memory is the first step towards securing a seat in a prestigious college purely on merit.

  • List of random words, Key points, Paragraphs, and Essays.
  • Countries, Capitals and States.
  • Historical dates & Years.
  • Names and Faces.
  • Hundreds of Phone Numbers and numerical data.
  • English Vocabulary and Overcoming Spelling Mistakes.
  • Sequence of Binary Numbers
  • Mathematical and Scientific Equations, Definitions, Formulas.
  • Technical and scientific words and terms.
  • Memorizing Inventions & Discoveries.
  • Right and Left brain activation
  • Understanding BRAIN LANGUAGE
  • Memorizing Presentations and Speeches.
  • Memorize all numerical data
  • Definitions, Equations, and Formulae
  • Brain exercises to develop a versatile memory.

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Accelerated Memory Enhancement & Mind Training Program